
Set of tools for renumbering was added in the new version. Set includes tools to manually or automatically renumber mark parameters for instances (Door, Window, Furniture...), tools to renumber number parameter in Rooms, Spaces or Areas and to renumber picked grids according to chosen settings in the model.

  • Renumber by Room

    Renumbers instances in an active view or whole project according to the room it belongs to. Works on Doors, Furniture, Furniture Systems, Lighting Fixtures, Speciality Equipment and Windows.

    Click on the Kobi Toolkit tab > go to Annotate panel > Click on Renumber > in drop down menu select Renumber by Room > set up options of renumbering in dialog window > click OK

    • Selection

      select between Model (rename elements from model) and Active View (rename elements from active view)

      Category: select which elements you want to rename

      Number: Define renumbering To Room or From Room

      Sort by: Id or X,Y,Z Location, or Y, X, Z Location

    • Naming

      Preview: shows the preview of the element numbering

      Separator: You can define text separator between Room number and element number

  • Renumber Mark Parameter

    Displays a dialog box, where you can specify the renumbering settings. Click on the instances in the order they are to be renumbered. This tool updates the MARK parameter for the selected instance.

    Click on the Kobi Toolkit tab > go to Annotate panel > Click on Renumber > in drop down menu select Renumber Mark Parameters > set up options of renumbering in dialog window > click Mark > in active view click on the instances in the order they are to be renumbered.

    Preview: shows the preview of the naming

    Prefix: Adds a mark, letter or space before the Index

    Suffix: Adds a mark, letter or space after the Index

    Format: Define a format (0, 00, 000…) and se how it looks in preview

    Initial Index: If user adds number or letter, this will be start letter or number for renumbering

    Increment: Enlarges the number by the factor that is insered

  • Renumber Grid

    Displays a dialog box of the renumbering settings. Click on the grids in the order they are to be renumbered. This tool updates the NUMBER parameter for the selected grid.

    Click on the Kobi Toolkit tab > go to Annotate panel > Click on Renumber > in drop down menu select Renumber Grid > set up options of renumbering in dialog window > click Mark > in active view click on the grids in the order they are to be renumbered

  • Renumber Room, Space or Area

    Displays a dialog box of the renumbering settings. Click on a room, space or area in the order they are to be renumbered. This tool updates the NUMBER parameter for the selected grid.

    Click on the Kobi Toolkit tab > go to Annotate panel > Click on Renumber > in drop down menu select Renumber Room, Space or Area > set up options of renumbering in dialog window > click Mark > in active view click on a room, space or area in the order they are to be renumbered

  • Renumber Views on Sheets

    Displays a dialog box of the renumbering settings. Click on a viewport in the order they are to be renumbered. This tool updates DETAIL NUMBER parameter for the selected viewport.

    Click on the Kobi Toolkit tab > go to Annotate panel > Click on Renumber > in drop down menu select Renumber Views on Sheets, Space or Area > set up desired options of renumbering > click Mark > in active view click on a viewport in the order they are to be renumbered