
Tools for creating legends.

  • Material Legend!

    Creates a material legend based on the materials from a specified floor plan. Specify different settings, like a text note type and additionally filters materials from the legends. This tool needs to be in an empty DRAFTING VIEW.

    Open Drafting View as active view ( View Tab > Create Panel > Drafting View > create new view > Set name and scale > click OK) > Click on Kobi Toolkit tab > go to Annotate panel > Click on Material Legend > set up desired options > click OK

    • View - in drop down menu select view for which you want to create material legend - materials from the selected view will be displayed in the Patterns section

    • Header text - set custom text as header

    • Header text style - in drop down menu select text style for the header

    • Label text style - in drop down menu select text style for the label

    • Distance between rows - set the distance between rows

    • Include surface patterns - check the box to add surface patterns to the Legend Patterns selection

    • Include unplaced materials - check the box to add unplaced patterns to the Legend Patterns selection

    • Patterns

      • Legend Patterns

        Patterns which will be displayed in material legend

      • Available Patterns

        Patterns which are available and will not be displayed in material legend

        • Add

          Click on patterns under available patterns to select them - click on Add to transfer them to Legend Patterns

        • Remove

          Click on patterns under Legend patterns to select them - click on Remove to remove them from Legend patterns.

        • Move Up/Down /

          Patterns will be displayed in the current order, to reorder them use Move Up or Move Down

          Click on pattern under Legend patterns - click on Move Up or Move Down to place them into desired order

  • Legend by Category

    Creates a table with dynamic images of the instances of a chosen category within the current project. This tool needs to be run in a LEGEND VIEW with at least one LEGEND COMPONENT in it.

    Open Legend view (View Tab > Create Panel > Legends drop-down > Legend > Set name and scale > click OK) with at least one legend component ( Annotate tab > Detail panel > Component drop-down > Legend Component > Place the symbol in the legend view) > Click on Kobi Toolkit tab > go to Annotate panel > Click on Legend by Category > set up desired options > click OK

    • View Setup

      Legend Category - select which category you want to display in the legend

      Include unplaced objects - includes unplaced objects in the legend

      View - select from which view the object will be displayed as symbol

      Row Family - select the legend style

    • Sorting and Grouping

      Sort by - sorts objects by selected parameter

      Sort Ascending - sort by ascending

      Group similar (by type) - groups similar objects and displays their count

    • Instance and Type Parameters

      Available Parameters - displays available parameters from selected category

      Selected Parameters - parameters which will be displayed in the legend

    • Add - Click on parameters under Available Parameters to select them - click on Add to transfer them to Selected Parameters

    • Remove - Click on patterns under Selected Parameters to select them - click on Remove to remove them from Slected Parameters

    • Move Up/Down / - Patterns will be displayed in the current order, to reorder them use Move Up or Move Down

      click on pattern under Selected patterns - click on Move Up or Move Down to place them into desired order