
Tools to automate assembly and assembly view creation.

  • Create Assemblies

    Creates an assembly from each of the selected instances. This tool updates the coordinate system of the assembly according to the instances main direction (e.g. X axis of a wall).

    Select instances > Click on Kobi Toolkit tab > go to Modify panel > Assembly drop-down > select Create Assemblies

  • Create Assembly Views

    Displays a dialog, choose the view direction and placement of up to four views for each assembly. Creates views and places it on the sheets according to your settings.

    Select instances > Click on Kobi Toolkit tab > go to Modify panel > Assembly drop-down > select Create Assembly Views > set up options in dialog window > click OK

    • Assemblies: display of a list of created assemblies - select assemblies to be displayed in assembly view

    • View Orientation: set up views to be displayed in assembly view - select view from drop-down list

    • Sheet Setup - options for sheet setup

  • Create Assemblies Utilites

  • Create Assemblies Utilities View